

Muse Photography Awards | People Photography - Self-portrait | Silver Winner

Echoes of Light | The Light That Calls

Muse Photography Awards | Fine Art Photography - Open Theme| Silver Winner

Echoes of Light | The Light That Calls

FotoNostrum 25th Julia Margaret Cameron Awards, Nude | Honorable Mention

Echoes of Light + Reflections of Art + Whispered Wings | The Light That Calls


ND Awards, Self-Portrait |1st Place

Expectation, The Ocean, Distant Memories, The Storm, + Loss | When It Rains

Global Photography Awards, Fine Art Photography - Conceptual |Gold Winner

Expectation, Silence, Distant Memories, Waiting, The Storm, Stillness + Loss | When It Rains

IPA International Photography, Self Portrait | Official Selection

Expectation + Loss + Distant memories + Silence + The Storm | When It Rains

1839 Awards 2024 Colour Photography Contest, Conceptual | Nominee

Contemplation | The Light That Calls

1839 Awards 2024 Colour Photography Contest, Conceptual, Peoples’ Vote Award | Nominee

Contemplation | The Light That Calls


21st Julia Margaret Cameron Award for Women Photographers, Self-Portrait | Honorable Mention

Expectation, Distant memories, Loss + The Storm | When It Rains

21st Julia Margaret Cameron Award for Women Photographers, Fine Art| Honorable Mention

Teddy by My Side + The Sky is The Limit | Nostalgic Memories 

Contemplation + Reflection | The Light That Calls

3rd Fotonostrum Magazine Awards |Winner

Expectation + Loss + Distant memories + Silence + The Ocean + The Storm | When It Rains

Helsinki Photo Festival: Courage | Shortlisted

The Road, Expectation, The Ocean, Silence, Distant Memories, Waiting, Stillness + The Storm | When It Rains

Late Harvest Emerging Exhibitor Award, New Zealand | One Of Five Nominees

When It Rains Series

9th Fine Art Photography Awards| Fine Art Nominee

When It Rains Series

Muse Photography Awards | Winner Gold

The Road, Expectation, The Ocean, Silence, Distant Memories, Waiting, Stillness + The Storm | When It Rains

Asia Pacific Photography Awards| Honourable Mention

The Storm | When It Rains

About Siobhán

Originally from South Africa, Siobhán moved to Wellington, New Zealand in 2012 after living in Sydney, Australia for 22 years.

She creates contemporary fine art photographs by exploring and capturing beauty in everyday situations through her atmospheric style.

Her work is visually enticing, mysterious and intensely personal.



21st JMCA Award Exhibition

FotoNostrum Mediterranean House of Photography, C/ de la Diputació, 48, 08015 Barcelona, Spain

8th BIENNALE - Fotonostrum’s Magazine Awards

FotoNostrum, Mediterranean House of Photography, C/ de la Diputació, 48, 08015 Barcelona, Spain

Art-Icon “Corporeality” - Bastille Design Center, Paris

Contemplation | The Light That Calls

Lenscratch The Favorite Photograph You Took in 2023 Exhibition, Part 7

Contemplation | The Light That Calls


Artdoc Photography Magazine | Featured Submission

The Road, Expectation, Distant memories, Flight, Waiting + Stillness | When It Rains

PhotoPlace Gallery Online Gallery

Loss | When It Rains

Auckland Online Festival of Photography

When It Rains Series

Artdoc Photography Magazine, Online Exhibition Conceptual Photography

Flight + Distant Memories | When It Rains

Lenscratch The Love Exhibition, Part 2

Reflection | The Light That Calls